What is your brand’s personality?
This may seem like an obvious question when we ask, but many clients aren’t able to communicate what their brand’s personality is.
This is important because without being able to describe the space where your brand fits in, you’ll waste time in hunting around unnecessarily to find it when you could be reinforcing and defending it. Even if you can’t define the exact street, you should know the neighbourhood or city (see our article on how this metaphor works).
Start-up series: Why you should have a square, landscape and portrait-orientated logo.
A fundamental concept of running your own enterprise is understanding why you need multiple different logo versions; therefore, we’re going to link the 3 main logo orientations to times when you may need them.
Start-up series: Why you need a vector logo
The differences between vector and raster logos are quite basic, yet often misunderstood. Knowing the differences and limitations between the two takes minutes, yet can save businesses thousands in lost revenue if the wrong version is used.
Start-up series: Why you need a logo with an alpha channel
Getting it right, will attract your customers because they can instantly tell your market, your size, your price point and a whole load of other critical information that you may want to transmit to them to bring them in.
Getting it wrong will deter them and send them somewhere else where their need can be more easily met – instead of them utilising time in the event that you’re not able to solve their problem.