What is a key customer demographic analysis, and how do you do it?
By mapping out multiple customer profiles (unless your offering is really niche, you should have more than just one), you’ll be able to prioritise where to aim your efforts to increase awareness amongst their cohort, which one should be focussed on (as it might vary with the seasons), and how much resources to allocate to those efforts.
The hidden dangers of ‘blanding’
A fundamental principle of brand design is the concept of ‘MAYA’, an acronym of ‘most advanced, yet acceptable’. It’s a position to define where a brand’s personality should sit that’s enough away from its competitors to be remarkable, yet close enough for those to gauge what sector you work in without too much guesswork. The ‘most advanced’ element is the notable component of the idea, as it highlights the importance of being easily memorable to maximise chance of long-term success.