
In this episode, we talk to Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market.


We discuss bootstrapping a start-up from an idea to a fully-fledged business, the impact of a strong brand, where content plays a role in marketing and how to adapt to changing marketplaces.

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  • 00:00:01 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Hi, I'm Chris, founder, senior brand designer and growth marketing strategist at House of hiatus brand Growth Studio, who wants to document innovative and disruptive ideas from successful small to medium sized enterprises to help startups to get strong market position as quick as possible. In this episode, we talked to Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and close protection.

    00:00:21 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Pressures that found attack life, a British company that brought the world's first personal wearable automated external defibrillator to markets. We discussed bootstrapping a startup from idea to fully fledged business. The impact of a strong brand where content plays a role in marketing and how to adapt to changing marketplaces.



    00:00:54 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Mate, it’s great to have you on the Haus of Hiatus podcast. How's it going in sunny England right now?

    00:00:58 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Thank you very much for having me. Yeah, it's going great. And you know, been busy, but don't complain. Yes.

    00:01:05 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    I'll tell you what after.

    00:01:08 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Felt like winter was going on for ages. You know. I'm. I'm not. I'm not addressed to winter at all. But this year just felt like it was it was being, I don't know, seven or eight months worth of winter, you know? It was like probably cold. And then all of a sudden it just got it sprung some on us and and and, you know, made it all nice and warm like shorts and T-shirts. Weather. So yeah. If you had the same thing.

    00:01:28 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Yeah, it's been constant nonstop to be honest. Over here in the north where we are placed, it's quite, you know, it's just been dragging on. To be honest, I'm waiting for the proper good weather. So I've got my, my.

    00:01:37 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, yeah, percent 100%. Well, wait, this is a it goes on the podcast and.

    00:01:38 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Flip flops up.

    00:01:47 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    So obviously done introductions to kind of what tack life is about, but just in your own words, can you tell us a bit more about tack life? I like when it comes from what's it all about? What's the, what's the kind of like the aim and the mission of?

    00:02:01 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Of tack life, please.

    00:02:02 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Yeah. Yeah. So basically I was in the military when I left my kind of natural progression was the sepia industry. So I I I went did a course. Fortunately, the course wasn't one of the greatest and the level of instructing was.

    00:02:20 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Which which optimise the opportunity to to actually better the the industry and particularly the the mid side of things. So basically I was I was in this mid lesson and I asked the instructor a simple question. When I'm out doing conducting capital, where do I carry my?

    00:02:39 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Equipment referring to an iPhone essentially and also how do I carry?

    00:02:44 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    With my suit.

    00:02:46 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    So you know the the, the, the short answer was given is to be honest with you, we do carry make it, but we don't carry in our person really we carry it in a vehicle and you know hopefully if something was to happen the vehicle is nearby and you know we could but but the the the short answer is not enough people will carry medkit.

    00:03:05 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And and and in.

    00:03:06 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    The UK especially.

    00:03:08 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    The the The your biggest asset to a principle is the ability to respond to medical emergency. You know, on on the spot, right, right. And then you don't have time to to, you know, run away, get a medkit and then you know, so you want, you want the kid to be on you and you wanted to be able to deploy it.

    00:03:28 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    From your body quite quickly, so instantly very there started sketching. You know when when I was serving I was and then to be a bit of a kid pest. So so so that. So that kind of came in quite handy.

    00:03:45 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    So, so the sketches evolved from from sketch to paper to cardboard. And then I would like a little handheld sewing machine, just so. So some stuff together. And then and then I I got a a company called Limini to help me with the the product.

    00:04:05 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    The first one and that actually gave you the the springboard to then develop it into where it is now. Initially it was only for the kind of pre control kit, the IFAC element of the of the of the product. And then Mark come across the revolutionary.

    00:04:22 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Salad. What a great and the dimensions fit perfectly with what I had done on my sketches. So I I contacted the manufacturer and and basically told them what I was aiming to do and they bought into it. And and yeah, we we struck a.

    00:04:43 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Kind of a partnership. They introduced me to the UK reseller, which is a guy called Craig and he's now also a member of the board for Tacklife. So yeah, everything's nicely entwined.



    00:04:57 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Brilliant, mate. I've. I've gotta say there's. There's so much there that I I'm just super keen to dive into because obviously I come from a fresh protection background as well and and I think I think kind of seeing the news recently where the Slovakian Prime Minister was shot at like point blank range. You know, there's there's it doesn't take much kind of like creative thinking to say, well actually there is a real need.

    00:05:17 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Or carrying ifax on the person of the of the close protection team because he was obviously lucky that he was only a couple of bounds away from the vehicle, they're able to, the team was able to kind of like bundle him into the vehicle and get him off.

    00:05:29 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    To a Halifax many back point, but obviously if you've got principles who are further out from the vehicle and they're doing like real public, you know, public integration and stuff, it might be that it's getting back to the vehicle actually is like, you know, quite a long convoluted process and you know, and if your medkits in that vehicle, like you say there's.

    00:05:50 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Now you're gonna be not gonna be getting into it in like you.

    00:05:53 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    The the, The, the Golden Minutes or anything like that, it's gonna, it's going to be, you know, trying to trying to make up tourniquets from belts and all sorts of, you know, kind of rudimentary things we've seen in the past. So there's, yeah, somebody comes to a Cliff section background. I can see the instant need for for what you said about carrying the IFAC as small.

    00:06:12 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know, a small personalised ifac on the person that you know means actually you reduce a whole lot of risk to the principle to yourself for the CP team. So yeah, for for myself I want to say huge respect and great for bringing bringing something that out into the.

    00:06:27 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:06:28 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Thank you very much. And and I just want to add to that is you know if you are going to do any CP job, do your minimum minimum medical requirement for training is fake free, you know, so fake free. You know if you if you have to be fake free then that means you know you've got a level of ability in.

    00:06:46 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    In you know to save a life.

    00:06:47 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And and and you'd be basically wasting your your your abilities to save that life by not having the correct.

    00:06:54 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Equipment and and you know the the way we design the party is not in our artefacts and artefact in the but you know we've got a few USB's in terms of the the way we've designed it and traditionally artefacts are equipment stacked on top of each other which gives a smaller footprint on the on on the belt.



    00:07:15 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    But you know it's moving the the actual kids moving away from your body, which changes the sense of gravity. So now not only does it break your silhouette, you know, it also means that when you're running around, it's bobbing up and down.

    00:07:29 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Because it's stated to you about. So yeah. So what we've basically done is the analogy is is we've we've taken a hot piece of toast and we've spread the water, you know, so we spread the medkit out to to to either side. So essentially the thickness of the the pouch is the thickness side.

    00:07:31 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:07:41 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:07:50 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Profile of emergency compression bandage or tourniquet. So that's the thickness of it. So so.

    00:07:57 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Therefore, you know.

    00:07:59 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Covert or overt? It doesn't matter. It's it's ripped out to your body. It doesn't Bob and weave around. And to actually deploy the patch itself. It's it's held onto the body by by magnets and valcour. When I say magnets, it's like extremely strong magnets.

    00:08:18 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    It's unbelievably strong and also so. So essentially you've got a receiver plate that that feeds through your path that sits on your small, the small of your back and it's the the size of a couple of pages, you know it's.

    00:08:30 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And then it's got middle plates. The bit that holds the mid kit magnets onto that and basically.

    00:08:39 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And holds everything into place that allows you to deploy it rapidly. So if something was to happen, it's got two handles on either side. You literally reach around and and pull it off and you.

    00:08:48 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Get to go.


    I mean.

    00:08:50 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And then, yeah, I'm just thinking then like.

    00:08:52 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:08:53 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    It's. Yeah, I thought it was kind of the the few kind of designers in the military. You know, I again, I'd look at a problem and I think I can just design the solution for that. You know, saying, you know, reason about Kit Pass, you know, I was like I that was.

    00:09:04 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Literally my nickname, you.

    00:09:06 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Know for out the you know for out for the army and the Marines. You know, because I was just always thinking like there's there's got a better way of doing this, you know, like, you know.



    00:09:13 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:09:13 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    It's it's carrying it on your chest, on your belt, you know, on in your, in your webbing somewhere else, cause obviously.

    00:09:21 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    As Marines and army, you kind of gave between, you know, this being field infantry soldiers and being in vehicles like Vikings, you know, and then close protectionists is like the same thing where you kind of having to carry sometimes, like a lot of stuff for.

    00:09:33 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Remote and.

    00:09:35 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Tasks and then and then get back in like a an armour G waggon to go and motor off somewhere else to go and do.

    00:09:41 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know something inside of the ministry and I was like, there's there's no, there's no like optimal solution for either carriage here. So I'll have to cope with something to to make this better. And you know, I think I I never.

    00:09:52 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know, invented or designed anything which was, you know, which I kind of put out there, but it's it's great to hear that there's another creative mind out there who's who's thought well, I can do this better, you know? And and the solution may not be perfect. First time I'm going to find a better solution. So yeah mate big.

    00:10:08 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Respect. Thanks very much. Appreciate it.

    00:10:12 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And and you know, there's, there's plenty more coming in the near future and we actually pivoting, not pivoting, diversifying into the space that I am most passionate about. And that is the the military space.

    00:10:29 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And you know, I can't say too much right now, but yeah, we there's a lot of exciting things coming.

    00:10:37 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, well, I definitely look background to 80s at some point in the in the in the conversation because that's something. Again, I've got another personal anecdotes on, but just so.

    00:10:46 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    That we can we.

    00:10:47 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Can keep on.

    00:10:48 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Kind of like.

    00:10:49 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    The TAC life brand as well could then.

    00:10:51 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    I want to ask kind of how do how do customers and people find engage with TAC life. You know are you are you on social media? I've seen LinkedIn do do you get people you know kind of coming to you that heard a view from somewhere you know for other.

    00:11:05 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Places what's how.

    00:11:06 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:11:07 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    I would say the the the biggest success story for us is.

    00:11:11 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Your mouth like people. People buy into buy into the kit.

    00:11:17 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And and they they lived. They they talk to the networks and we get so many emails saying, oh, I spoke to so and so and they've said so and so can I have excellent. And you're like, yeah, sure. No problem. So that's been really powerful. And and that's a testament to the kit itself. You know the way it's been the the quality of the kit and the actual.

    00:11:37 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Functionality of the kit, so I'm I'm ecstatic about that.

    00:11:42 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And then secondly, MSI LinkedIn has been incredible. Like I would say I would say probably about 60% of of all orders business business business to business and they come from LinkedIn. You know it's it's social media is are extremely powerful perform and people are feel like people can utilise it to the.

    00:12:02 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    The best ability and and neither do I. You know, I I know I can do more. So. So yeah, 100%.

    00:12:10 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, well, so, so, so it it doesn't sound.

    00:12:14 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    I've heard this a lot for the podcast as well. People say it doesn't. The attention is necessarily come from the place you expect to LinkedIn and word of mouth as well as social media, though I think a lot of people either focus on one one camp or the other, you know, either social media or they're either word of mouth, but it's it's good to hear that you know that there is this, this middle ground where actually comes from both.

    00:12:30 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:12:35 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know, because, yeah, something you don't hear very often in companies.

    00:12:38 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Yeah. So so for that life, we've not, we've not spent.

    00:12:44 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Any money really on branding or mark on marketing? Essentially we've so far because we're not at time because we, you know, the demand is coming in faster than we can kind of grow with it, so, so, so, so all of our times kind of going to fulfilment and customer relations and they have not actually had the time to be like.

    00:13:05 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    OK, now we need to do a mock campaign push that you know, so, so. So essentially the next step first would be to get to hire some, some more people in to do the performance stuff and all that. So we can focus on growing the business to that next level. So yeah, that's something we're looking to do in the.

    00:13:23 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Near future.

    00:13:24 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, 100%. That's that's. We've had a conversation about kind of bootstrapping a business before and and yeah, that's that's basically where it is and you don't spend the money on marketing.

    00:13:34 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know, but but yours. You know, this. This your journey so far has been has been, you know, the absolute dream has, isn't it? You know, I, you know, notwithstanding, there would have been some difficult moments, I'm absolutely sure. But I think there's every, every start up there dreams of product market fit from day one to the point where demand outstrips the production.

    00:13:54 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know, and you can't keep up with it, you know, because a lot of times it can feel like you're you're just throwing money into marketing to get that point of of growth and and, you know, the the hockey stick half. But actually you've had the hockey.

    00:14:04 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:14:06 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Stick from day one.

    00:14:09 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Yeah, I'm extremely fortunate, you know.

    00:14:13 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    We, like I said, no, no money spent so far on on marketing, very little on branding. You know, if you look at our logo, it's it's simple, it's you know, it's not nothing fancy, but you know it's it's a it's a logo that's not being recognised we we we sometimes I'm out in the street and wearing some black cloth merch and I see people recognising.

    00:14:33 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    OK, which is which is amazing. Especially now circles, you know, people, people are talking about it. So for me, for me, that's amazing. Yeah.

    00:14:41 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Fantastic, right? That's that's the absolute dream. My hair. It does lead me into my next question. I kind of think like how has your brand had to adapt to start a changing marketplace, cause obviously the military, defence tech area can be quite, quite busy quite, you know taken up by, you know, big American primes for example.

    00:14:46 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Yeah, yeah.

    00:15:03 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know, how have you kind of how to adapt and you know, try and disrupt the industry to kind of get that initial foothold ending.

    00:15:09 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:15:10 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Yeah, well, you know. So so there's the uniqueness of the product really. And the fact that, you know we we're the first company that that's put an AD body 1AD and blue control kit on on the body in curve it or overt fashion so.

    00:15:29 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    You know, it's it's no ones done before we're the 1st and that's what's giving it that massive kind of, you know, we when we got our LinkedIn we we grew so quickly because people were just sharing with like Matt and and it's because of the uniqueness and and I put it down to that.

    00:15:44 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market




    00:15:45 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    I mean, I'm. I'm a big fan of, you know, kind of disrupting industries and you know, again we were, we were one of the first to, you know, to to work with defence tech companies. We through to my background and you know I I kind of saw a lot of these big creative agencies in London and thought there's there's no way you need to spend 10 grand on a a studio in the Shoreditch to.

    00:16:04 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    To make this you know, to great work, you can do this far better.

    00:16:06 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And cheaper than.

    00:16:07 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    That, but yeah, it was. I was like, hearing the disruptor story.

    00:16:10 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Because that's kind.

    00:16:10 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Of how I how I, you know, think of ourselves as well as.

    00:16:14 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    There's the disruptors to to an industry, but I just I we were talking about kind of a personality that I had before before the podcast as well, which was I've been on a close protection team in 2007 where we had some Med training and I recognise the need for having an AED, which is an automated external defibrillator for those that may not be familiar with the.

    00:16:35 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    The the the kit or the term and.

    00:16:38 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Having it actually closer to our principal and you know the the team than it was originally because it was like getting up really about kind of two miles away, I think you know from from you know where the principal was and where he where his residence was to the actual Med centre give or take. It certainly wasn't gonna be something you'd be doing in a hurry.

    00:16:58 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    When when rockets were coming down, you know, onto a, you know, onto onto a basin.

    00:17:03 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Asra, so we put a business case in and, you know said look we need another AD, it's something that's that's immensely trainable. We just feel, you know, we got a lot of people with high high profile who are in the age of categories for and for heart attacks. So I think there's a real business case for this. They got refused sadly. But it's great to hear that actually you you've solved that problem.

    00:17:23 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Making it wearable on the on the operator itself more than just something that's massive, that can sit in a, you know, a drawer bag in the car, which you're not always with as a as a close protection operator.

    00:17:34 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know. Yeah, you they you solved the problem that I you know I was like hope this this doesn't always be like this. So yeah again big respect for.

    00:17:44 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Yeah. Thank you so much. We appreciate that. And and and you know I want to add as well. You know we we had the intention to to launch into kind of the the CPU market that's that's that's what it was.

    00:17:54 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Thing to to do but, but ever since then, you know we've we've gone into different spaces that I don't even know existed, you know, oil and gas mining. We've gone into a lot of health and safety.

    00:18:08 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And telecoms, like we've had this master telecom telecoms companies reaching out to us because they do a lot of remote work, you know, in Scottish Highlands etcetera and and and that's that's absolutely taking off so. So yeah and then also massive giga projects abroad in Saudi Arabia you know it's it's it's been the.

    00:18:27 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    The traction has been incredible.

    00:18:29 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And and as as as well.

    00:18:31 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    As you just had.

    00:18:32 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    There, your family just had a baby as well, hasn't it? So you've got a new addition to to look.

    00:18:36 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Out for so.

    00:18:37 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yes, big respect for for running a business, a successful business and going going a farm at the same time I can I can just not point to one one of those at.

    00:18:47 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    A time not not close at the same time right now.

    00:18:49 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Now you have to keep going. You know, keep your head down and keep going.

    00:18:53 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:18:54 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    I will wait. Listen.

    00:18:56 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Just dive into that kind of social media in a bit more detail. So from my understanding, kind of Instagram is, you know, has replaced the, you know, the Facebooks and the, the and the Myspace have rolled you know from when they first came out. But what kind of platforms have you found get generate the most?

    00:19:14 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Interest with your your key demographic, presuming it's it's Instagram or is it TikTok yeah.

    00:19:20 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    So. So at the moment I'm not leveraging my social media as I should. So I'm I'm predominantly on two platform.

    00:19:28 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And the worst see those platforms is one is business to business and the one is business consumer. So we have LinkedIn which is more formal. So my wording, my text, everything is more formal to cater for that audience. And then my Instagram is more kind of consumer driven, cool pictures you know.

    00:19:47 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Like any stuff.

    00:19:48 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:19:50 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And you know and.

    00:19:51 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And that that case is for those for those guys. So. So it's very important to separate.

    00:19:55 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Those two, because they are not the same crowd.

    00:19:58 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And TikTok is something I really really want to get into. But you know, I I don't know where to begin. I don't. I can't. I don't even have to. The well, I know the power of it. So, you know, I'm looking for someone to to maybe, you know, say ohh we'll do I I don't know where.

    00:20:12 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    To go for.

    00:20:13 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    That you know, so that's something I.


    Yeah, yeah.

    00:20:15 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Need to leverage no 100% like you're not the only one.

    00:20:18 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    In that space, because then we've we've been doing some research on on TikTok because obviously it's gone. It's gone huge. I mean it's under threat from the US government for kind of being shut down in the US, which would probably see the the knock on effects to us in the UK.



    00:20:31 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    But there there's been some good start up cases of businesses using TikTok, so Duolingo is a classic example because they've been really, really out of kilter. So they're they're basically treading this line of of, you know, they'll, they'll, they'll get their mascot, they do silly things to their mask on like, you know, beating up, you know, roll them around, you know, do all sorts of.

    00:20:50 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Funny stuff, which on the surface you know it sounds, you know, like really, you know.

    00:20:55 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Negative for a brand, but they've they've managed to find this place where actually they've they've found this really playful character for their brand in TikTok, you know, because I understand that it reaches to a younger audience and so they actually can't be more formal. There can be more salesy and they've got to be more top of funnel as you refer to as just being fun and goofy, but.



    00:21:15 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Without being super salesy and serious with their with their audience, because they know that their their audience, you know, probably won't buy for another kind of five or six years until they're actually thinking of using it for learning a language or something like that so.

    00:21:29 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Yeah, exactly that. So you know, it's a very fine line and you know they say any publicity is good publicity. So you know, I think there's goofy things, you know, people some people might be outraged and say, oh, that's, you know, that's that's a little bit naughty, whatever. But it means they can't tell their friends they're talking about it. They're already spreading, you know, and and even in a in a positive light.

    00:21:45 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:21:49 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    You know. Oh, that's amazing. Have you seen this boom share, you know? And they said this the cup, it's getting that kind of shock.

    00:21:56 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Element that that, that, that, that.

    00:21:58 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    That these companies do.

    00:22:00 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    So well in for the branding.

    00:22:01 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    100% yeah, I mean I'm I'm sure you can probably.

    00:22:03 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Remember about kind of five.

    00:22:05 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Maybe eight years ago this this kind of concept of trying to go viral was like really kicking off with people trying to figure out what's their. What's the recipe to make something go viral? And people were trying all sorts of things that it was sometimes it would happen, sometimes it wouldn't. Sometimes it would just.

    00:22:18 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Come off as really.

    00:22:20 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, just odd. Odd for a company I can. I can think of a few brands that you know really got it wrong in in trying to find what it was that made something go viral. But I kind of think we're a bit of a new era now. We're actually brands are more willing to to take risks with this sort of stuff. And like you're saying just and be like, well, we might get it wrong, but then.

    00:22:34 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:22:37 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    In getting it wrong, we find out where the line is and we actually.

    00:22:40 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know, we understand the right place a bit better to to make it resonate on something like TikTok cause it's it's, you know, TikTok, Tik.

    00:22:44 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:22:48 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    T.O.K is a it.

    00:22:49 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Is an opportunity. At some point you know for for getting with customers cause obviously the people who on TikTok, you know cause you know one of one of our brands are on TikTok.

    00:22:58 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And eventually they they will tell their parents or their friends or their, you know, different generations out, something you saw on TikTok, and you've got instantly got some brand awareness in a in a A A demographic that you may not have had with traditional, you know, Instagram or LinkedIn or something like that. So actually there's there is a.

    00:23:18 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    An argument for for you know, for, for, for experimentation with TikTok and other social media platforms to see if you can find the right way of tackling it.

    00:23:27 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, it's, it's.

    00:23:28 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    You're 100% and then I need. I need to. I need to get my ducks in a row when it comes to mobile. Some things I do I do. You know, at the moment it's kind of in the middle of the product. So let's say as soon as I get there, look out. Look out for TikTok account. But but yeah, another thing that you know while we're talking about branding is.

    00:23:48 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    I've I've noticed a lot of brands that have a really good kind of solid.

    00:23:54 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Platform in a good, solid following, but they would jump on any single trend. That's how that's going and they'll just jump on a bandwagon and go down the road with it and and do the detriment of their existing kind of customer base. So that's something that brands just need to be very careful of is, is to kind of you know you've got those customers.

    00:24:14 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    The reason, and they kind of have the.

    00:24:18 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    They they got their beliefs and they got their ideas and they they built into your brand for that reason. And then you start going into a different direction. That's where you could kind of lose your.

    00:24:27 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Audience. So yeah, 100%. Yeah. But you know you like to use is is like kind of like a like trying to steer a ship as you don't just like throw a ship into a massive 90° turn and then do another.

    00:24:37 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And the handbrake Tandy. And that's. And that's kind of like maybe somebody following a trend for, you know, trend for, you know, dancing on TikTok or, you know, something like this. It's you've almost got to, like, do it incrementally, haven't you? Where, like, where a band that's does this. But we're gonna explore this bit.

    00:24:51 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    In this, see what see what the feedback is in there, and I can let's explore this a bit in this, but without going too much into, you know, we're a green tech brand or we're a sustainability brand or where where this brand or that brand, you know, cause all of a sudden people will see through it like you say and they'll say, well, actually last week you were a, you know a this brand and now you're purporting to be a this brand.

    00:25:11 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know like 100% like there there's fans that I follow as well on social media where you think on it like you know, 1-2 or three years ago you were you were putting out a very different set of messages here. Now, now you're yeah, you know, kind of.



    00:25:21 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:25:23 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Changing those massively, but yeah, no, that's that's great piece of advice. Yeah, really good, really good.

    00:25:28 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Piece of advice, yeah.

    00:25:29 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Thank you.

    00:25:30 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And and so it doesn't go to the next question, kind of what how is the the changing business landscape? So that seems like a I the pandemic and Brexit and you know the the real, the real changes we've seen in like the last five years.

    00:25:44 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Does that push your company to experiment with new ways to raise its pros?



    00:25:48 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    To be, to be totally honest, here we, we we are. We are so new that we've not actually experienced any of these hardships in terms of covert or anything where you know we we we only barely 18 months old. So we luckily we do not have to deal with any of that so far in terms of AI and stuff I I am.

    00:26:08 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Totally excited about it.

    00:26:10 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Again, I've not exploited it as as as I can and should yet, and that's definitely, you know, long kind of probably just slightly underneath the priority of TikTok you know. So it'll be very hard and then so so yeah 100% that's that's the way forward. And anyone that says it doesn't you know.



    00:26:29 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And flooding the now because it's it's so powerful. You know, you you you can you can use some photos from camera roll send it to an app and it can literally make reels in seconds.



    00:26:45 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    You know people, you know, charge BT have not have actually really tried it out that much. But I've heard stories about Jet GBT being like revolutionary in, in, in business cases and stuff you know. So yeah, API's yet to stay and is going to change the landscape massively.

    00:27:02 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    100% yeah, I mean it's we're not. We're obviously when it when ChatGPT came out and obviously it went into the image versions and he got Adobe Firefly and.

    00:27:11 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, Microsoft Copilot for example, and it did. You know, I was like this. This is going to speed things up. It's also gonna make it really difficult for creators who are really early in their in their journey to get a foot on the ladder and and get their, you know, their work out there and paid for. But at the same time, it does make me think of like another sector which which uses computers a lot more than people.

    00:27:23 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:27:31 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Realise and that is. That is, if you ever see any car advert on TV, so that's where you know you've got like a vehicle drive. You know your classic BMW or Audi advert where you got the car driving on this beautiful, serene sunny background, you know, place of mountains in the.

    00:27:46 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And is that's all created in 3D software. Believe it or not, that's that car is not a real car, you know, which always like blows people's mind. When when I say that. So it's like, no, it's just it's really, really good 3D software. They created this car because they what they found with the 70s.

    00:28:00 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And 80s is.

    00:28:01 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    They couldn't ever film a car without getting a reflection of the camera in there somewhere, cause obviously it's like a a shiny.

    00:28:06 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Nervous. There's always. You always want to capture it in the sunny day, which will always mean that you'll be seeing.



    00:28:12 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And the operator in some parts of the reflection of the car. So sometime in the early, early 2000s, late 90s actually switched entirely to like Blender and cinema 4D. And and, you know, Unreal Engine to a degree as well and actually started making these cars.

    00:28:26 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    In in you know.

    00:28:28 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Through the software and.

    00:28:28 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    So when you see it on TV, you're not actually seeing a real car, which?

    00:28:32 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, people.

    00:28:32 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    I was like what? No, that's not.

    00:28:36 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    It's it's insane. And you know, while while we're on this topic of like innovation and and going forward with AI and stuff, the one thing that needs to be mentioned is definitely drone technology. Drone technology has come so far and that's also something that we are going to, you know, we've not said much about it, but we've been quietly working in the background.

    00:28:54 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Some joint stuff that that we are extremely, extremely excited to to bring to the market in the coming months. So, so yeah, trans epic.

    00:29:05 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, yeah, 100%. We, we, we branded the train a big drone company a couple of years back. We're still waiting for them to go to activate that brand. But we've we've seen, you know maybe three or four competitors spring up in the you know in the mean time and it's like, you know, keep on proving that company and saying we wanna go live with that new brand sometime.

    00:29:24 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Soon because there's.

    00:29:25 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Competitors on the on the horizon, nipping at you. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's it's. It's an exciting space, isn't it? Because obviously there's so much you can do with it. And there's there's obviously equally so many threats that come with it as well. So.

    00:29:29 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Just a minute.

    00:29:37 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    There's there's business opportunities, I think in making a company that solves some of those problems that drones bring and create.



    00:29:45 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Different and I think we definitely have got something on the line and.

    00:29:52 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    So, so yeah, watch this place.

    00:29:53 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    100% yeah, well, I guess without being too specific. And can you tell us anything more about the new products you might be launching in the future or new services or is it, is it something you can go into?





    00:30:07 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Give us any insight into.

    00:30:08 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Yeah. So, So what, what I can say is, is it's gonna be a modular product. It's gonna be in the defence space exclusively. It's going to be, yeah, I'm trying. I'm trying to think.

    00:30:25 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    That's going to be.

    00:30:26 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Highly modular and versatile, and it's going to be similar to what we've already done in terms of mechanisms and.

    00:30:36 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    So. So yeah, I'm absolutely static to to to get this done. And you know your your company is going to be helping me.

    00:30:45 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    With that, with that.

    00:30:47 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Process and yeah, I'm very excited.

    00:30:49 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, brilliant. Yeah. Well, well, let's kind of get on to, I guess we'll start wrapping it up fairly shortly. And because I realise you you must have like a tonne of work and and and the chance to look after. Yeah. Because second from last question, what do you see as the main challenge for growing a start up kind of in the current climate obviously cause we're at the moment we're we're in kind of what's like.

    00:31:11 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Referred to as like a chilly economic climate. As in, we're still kind of post pandemic. There's still people trying to figure out what they're doing with AI and how, what, how, what can you see is the main challenges for those startups. And you know, some scale ups as.

    00:31:25 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:31:26 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    What a fantastic question. I was hoping and I asked for something along these lines.

    00:31:30 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Because I I think I've.

    00:31:31 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    I can help out because I've you know.

    00:31:34 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    I've come from being in the military. It's also obviously I'm from South Africa.

    00:31:39 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    I can never.

    00:31:40 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Played rugby for a couple of seasons in Edinburgh. From there I joined the military and I I was in the military. Give it like 12 years and I I I don't know business background, I didn't even.

    00:31:54 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    You know, not even in the.

    00:31:56 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    About this and I left the military, I I came up with this idea and I was like, OK, cool. I've got the idea. How do I, how do I do it? So I had to learn the hard way. I reached out to all the companies that do prototyping that do this, they do that and every single person tries to upsell you every single person you know and they want you to sign up for this.

    00:32:16 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And thousands here. And I'm like, well, if I have to do it that that way, I would need upfront investment of at least 50 to £80,000 to develop the product the way I want it, you know and and and because it involves car designs, it involves injection moulding etcetera, etcetera.

    00:32:35 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    I was like I I I can't do that. I need to be a little bit cunning and you know, do everything myself. So you you learn, you know, I've learned a lot. I consider myself a ASEAN. Very many fields now you know, because I've done so much research and biggest mistakes.

    00:32:54 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Being made with that life that I am rectifying with the new venture I'm making is.

    00:33:00 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Firstly, you know give give the right team, get the right team. You you want to you want to have the right team around you without the right team you are you know you you be pulling against each other, not pulling together and you know you want people that are aligned with you that I would say that's probably the number one thing.

    00:33:20 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Secondly, I would say.

    00:33:23 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Not not paying lip service to branding and marketing. Uh like that was fortunate because we, you know, the products unique. So the product sells itself. You know, Stringer, that sounds sells itself so. But if we were in a in a space where it didn't sell itself, we would have had to rely on branding and marketing.

    00:33:45 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    A lot more heavily so and and then just being a good person. Honestly, that that sounds like it's, you know, given, but there's a lot of people out there that want to take advantage.

    00:33:56 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Startups and I need to be able to tell the tell the difference between those people and you know good people because I naively, you know, when I left the military every, you know, a corporate guy approached me and promises me the world and says XYZ.

    00:34:16 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And and I and I and I think.

    00:34:19 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    I read because that's what I've, you know, I'm coming from.

    00:34:21 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You need to, yeah, yes.

    00:34:23 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Yeah. And and I've been. I've been burned a few times in the short space of, you know, that I've been, but I've gotta. I've learned very, very fast. And I've got a thick skin now. And I approach every single thing with the utmost amount of caution.

    00:34:38 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    So yeah, so those are the main things. And then the other, the other thing is a decent website is is critical and just being just being a a person of your word, when you say you're gonna do something, do it.

    00:34:50 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:34:52 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And then and you grow your network and it takes, it takes approximately 12 months for people to trust you. And I've noticed because, you know, I was telling people in the beginning and they you could tell they a little bit rope. You know, they want to fully commit. But but now I've got this relationship with them where I'm getting 30 day terms, you know, which is.

    00:35:12 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    It sounds like nothing but it's massive because managing gas flow is probably the most important thing and knowing when money is due when money's going up.

    00:35:21 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    So yeah, I've learned. I've learned a lot and and and and I know that you've done some branding work with a company called Frontier Risk and I think now is appropriate time to bring that up because that company I don't, I don't, I don't say it. I've never said this to to the to the guys, but you know that companies really catapulted me.

    00:35:28 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:35:42 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    To where I am now and and and and then. Because the reason I say that is because the people that have made.

    00:35:48 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    That course I'm. I'm still in contact with now and it's, you know, they've got a really strong alumni and people look out for each other. And yeah, honestly, I a lot to that course and and I I would recommend any single person that leaving the match doesn't matter what field you're going into you have to go and do that course and that should be your first stop.

    00:36:08 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Into into. You know, your first kind of step into the civilian world. You could do that course. It's called the SRC course. Once you've done that course.

    00:36:18 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And you will be in a very stronger position to then navigate your way into the civilian world 100%.

    00:36:24 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Hundreds on the yeah, we with with the branding for the SMC calls a few a few years back. And again we had the same, the same kind of vibe. So we spoke to Duncan and Pete about it. You know, we understood we had a good few calls actually to understand kind of what they were trying to communicate in it, but also where the benefit was because.

    00:36:40 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    It was, and this is where the concept of the tribe came out. So they're saying, you know, the course, the course is, you know, intense 15 days, 14 days, but it's actually the strength of the tribe that actually brings people to it, actually gives the benefit because the learning goes on after the course has happened. You.

    00:36:55 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Know you get get.

    00:36:56 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Goosed on the course, you know from a for a, a, a mental perspective, you know for those those two weeks.

    00:37:02 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    But it's actually, it's the power of the network afterwards. So it's like uh, huh? OK, this is this is.

    00:37:06 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    This is what we need to communicate in your SRC brand. Then it's not necessarily just their their and nebulous looking, you know, SRMC motif of some sort. We actually need to communicate the tribe element of it because that's that's what. That's what the power is. So we and that's that's what we did. You know. So like we went through a whole different idea is there involving.

    00:37:21 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:37:27 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    They're like the the, the, the semiotic signs of the tribe, you know? So it's like is it is it arrows, is it cartwheels, is it, you know, groups of people, it's, you know, we went. We tried a lot of different ideas, but we settled on where the crossed arrows because it almost felt a bit like a.

    00:37:42 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    I think there's a like motorbike club.

    00:37:44 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know where we.

    00:37:45 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Got it. Was it was like kind of like it had exactly the right feel about it for the tribe element, but also their, you know this is a cool brand, this is something that we want people to wear the T-shirts, you know, active and of course and get the notepads with the, you know with the brand on. So actually they share that knowledge with everyone else.

    00:37:45 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:37:56 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:38:02 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And they they then.

    00:38:03 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Make your own transition lot easier. Having heard about it. So yeah, play a part in that story. You know, always it makes me smile every time I hear it. And you know, I think we shared a LinkedIn post from Duncan today.

    00:38:15 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know your game just announced kind of the next the next SMC course and you know it's it's sold out for for you know, a few weeks in advance. So yeah, it's always good to hear that.

    00:38:27 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Honestly, it's incredible and I must say that the the branding that you got on is absolutely spot on and.

    00:38:34 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Where I actually heard about your your business is from someone on that course. Yeah. But but yeah, he you know, because I asked the question I'm like, oh, this amazing burning. I wonder. We've done OHP.

    00:38:48 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    You've done it and you know if you point me in your direction. So. So yeah, it's that that, that, that that is paying testament to how close that tribe is. Yeah. And that's exactly what it is it's like.

    00:39:00 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    When when you?

    00:39:01 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Leave the military. You know you, you you kind of institutionalised where you are a tribe in the military, right and.

    00:39:07 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    When you leave that.

    00:39:08 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Your military tribe, you're looking for another tribe to join and. And that's why I say when people leave the military and they'll find your tribe and your tribe is the SRC course. And honestly.

    00:39:21 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    They focus on quality, not quantity, so there's a small course they don't run very often, but the course.

    00:39:27 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Of the run.

    00:39:28 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Is all quality individuals and yeah, the it's just it's amazing. I can't speak highly enough, so yeah.



    00:39:36 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And so I don't appeal me exotic, you know, hearing that kind of feedback about that call so.

    00:39:41 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:39:43 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Put it out for in, in in the.

    00:39:44 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Podcast I guess so. So if I go on, sorry.

    00:39:46 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    And yeah.

    00:39:49 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    No, no, I didn't say and it's it's.

    00:39:50 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Not a paid promotion.

    00:39:51 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    I promise.

    00:39:55 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Brilliant. Well, mate, before I let you get on with your your day and your work, any funny piece? Words of advice for kind of start-ups or people who are thinking out sign off on the the entrepreneurial journey cause I know you know it's it's not easy at the best of times that lane for you know for us who've who've served in the military because it's it's a very different way of.

    00:40:14 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio


    00:40:16 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know from what we're used to, so any, any piece of advice for?

    00:40:20 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio




    00:40:22 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Million percent, I would say absolutely go for it 100% without a shot of that. If you have an idea, go for it because I see too many people with incredible ideas. They just don't have the guts to go for it. So my first thing we would have it was go for it and then I also.

    00:40:41 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Want to open up my kind of knowledge to anyone out there that that wants to know anything about starting up a business? I'm I'm. I'm not. I'm not an expert, but I've. I've done this road and it's a bumpy one and I I know for a fact if someone was approached me I'd be able to help them navigate this road a little bit better.

    00:41:01 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Prioritising certain things and just yeah, just not tripping up as many times as I did cause I've done all the tripping, you know, come and talk to me and I'll make you trip up less hopefully.



    00:41:13 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Maybe. I think that's that's it's a really good sentiment because there's, like you say, the first few years of of running a company, you know you you get fed up with tripping over things which you're like, when when I think of this or when I think of that or, you know, one example I think of we lost our, we spent a lot of time and effort into growing our Instagram.

    00:41:32 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Facebook following.

    00:41:34 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And we had like a, you know, a few sub brands as well and then didn't realise that one. So one Facebook hack led to losing all of the Instagram accounts.

    00:41:43 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And all of.

    00:41:44 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    The you know the Facebook groups we created and the Facebook pages you know, had like thousands of followers across all these different sub brands and and obviously you know Facebook such a massive company or sorry meta.

    00:41:54 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Such a massive company that you can't get through to to anyone to to try and resolve it, you know. So we we kind of realised quite late on that this is this is a really big resilience fail because we had all of our.



    00:42:07 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Instagram and Facebook account attached to this one login which got, you know, hacked and then that was it all lost in. That was like years of work running down the drain. So I was like like any opportunity I've I've got I want to make sure that I pass it on forward to make sure that people aren't, you know, they're taking basic cyber security measures. Like you get taught in the military you know about changing.

    00:42:14 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Yeah, yeah.

    00:42:26 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Passwords and doing the basics because it it's it means even more than you run a company.



    00:42:31 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And you're like.

    00:42:32 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Ah ****. I've just lost. I think it was about 7 accounts, you know, in total when you know when I think about, you know, pages, groups.



    00:42:42 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know, and then separate accounts. So we're all just tied into like one login. So I was like I need to make sure that other people don't have this, you know, see this thing from the start as well, cause if they're gonna put the time and effort in to grow and social media accounts as marketing channels, then you know you don't want to lose it all from like one hacked, you know, because obviously the way the way that.

    00:43:02 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And companies lose their data is obviously someone will hack into into their network and then they'll release. They've threatened to release the data if not a ransoms paid, or they just release it, and then they'll be stung by GDPR. So the the kind of the the practise of changing passwords and then the basic, you know, digital hygiene for one to the better.



    00:43:22 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Actually is is becoming even more important these days due to.



    00:43:25 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    The you know, due to due to the amount of of threats are happening like this and phishing attacks. So yeah, I just thought I would pass on again like myself that kind of money to advice to people.



    00:43:37 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    That's a classic example of all your eggs in one.

    00:43:39 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Basket we had a hundred and all of our eggs in that same basket.

    00:43:48 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Yeah. And just before I go, we've actually just.



    00:43:51 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Maybe got sent my brain down another route here, diversifying across your business is important, right? Just you know, having two, two bank accounts when doing manufacturing, having more than one manufacturing plant and all these things you know and sorry another thing is.



    00:44:11 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    The manufacturing is all done in the UK, so right here in Leeds we would factory.

    00:44:16 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Although you know everything's done in the UK and and that's something that we will never change, you know, yes, our prices are higher, but it's yeah supporting UK economy and providing work in the UK and I think more companies should start doing that and stop putting profits ahead of kind of the right thing.

    00:44:36 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Yeah, yeah, 100 percent, 100%. It's like the the wrestling income stream as well. We're we're, you know, we're that's something we've, you know, from social media, that's something we've been. We've been working on as well with you know we we have our own advertising platforms, our own media, media platforms and channels and then.


    So you're.

    00:44:51 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And you know our website and and branding services as well. So yeah, it's it, it's, it's good to hear somebody else talk about that kind of business resilience because that's not something you think of at the start, is it when you got a product or a service that you're like oh, cool, I'll, I'll sell.

    00:44:59 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:45:03 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    This thing you know and.

    00:45:05 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    And you know, there's that that famous saying that innovation is always there just to step behind.

    00:45:09 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You chomping at your heels?

    00:45:11 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    You know, so that for me is a is a a good reminder to keep on learning new skills and diversifying and trying new things. And you know, and and failing and you know, just keep on keep on researching so yeah.

    00:45:21 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:45:22 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market


    00:45:23 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Amazing. Yeah. Well, on that note, I will leave you to the rest of your day and thank you so much for joining us in the House. It's podcast and we look forward to following the tack life progress over the coming years.

    00:45:35 Nathan Mather, a former British Army soldier and Close Protection specialist that founded ‘Tac: Life’, a British Defence manufacturing company that bought the world’s first personal wearable automated external defibrillator (AED) to market

    Yeah. Thanks for having me. And yeah, it's a pleasure. I just want to say to anyone out there that wants information, just go on our website and and reach out to you, to me, my or details on the I'll be more than happy to help anyone that that looking for some some advice inside of the business awesome. Thank you. Have a nice day. Bye.

    00:45:49 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    Brilliant. Great stuff. Cheers, Nathan.

    00:45:54 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Brand Designer at Haus of Hiatus, website and brand design studio

    He was really great chatting with Nathan and hearing how he took an idea and made a company out of it. If you want to know more about tack life, you can find the links to the website in the show. It's below and I'll see you next time.

Chris Shirley MA FRGS

About the Author:

Chris is the founder of Hiatus.Design, a strategic branding, design and communications company that works with clients all over the world.

He is a former Royal Marines Commando officer, former risk advisor to the BBC and is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (FRGS).

Chris has travelled in over 60 countries, achieved his second Guinness World Record for an Atlantic Ocean rowing expedition, a Marathon des Sables finisher, and has worked with Hollywood actors, world–renowned musical artists and TV personalities.


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